UK General Election 2010 The worst prime minister ever?

4 May 2010

Mr Manish Sood, the Labour candidate for the constituency of Norfolk North West (a safe Tory seat – see BBC’s notional 2005 results) called Mr Brown the worst prime minister the UK has ever had. Why did he, a Labour candidate, say this 2 days before the polling day? Mind boggles.

It seems a little harsh as a judgement on Mr Brown’s premiership. Anyway, Mr Brown is now campaigning with gusto, or so it seems. Too little, too late, perhaps, but given there is a large number of undecided voters, there may be a surprise on the morning of 7 May. I had thought Labour was going to lose, like the Tories did in 1997, though the Tories won’t win like Labour did, however, I may have made a foolish prediction. Who knows? It’s actually quite exciting.