An Essay At Removing National Prejudices against a Union with Scotland | 3

Their Wonder must needs rise from its being the apparent Interest of both Nations, long since to have joyn’d Hands to their mutual Interest, and to have joyn’d their Force to their mutual Strength and Defence ; no Nations in Europe, whom Nature had seem’d to prepare for such a Union, and laid up in store so many visible Advantages of Uniting, being to [3] be supposed, so blind to their real Interests, without great Scandal even to their Understandings, or at least to their Temper. It cannot but have seem’d strange to all the Nations of the World, who see into the vast Advantages of a Union to both these Kingdoms, that they themselves, who have neither of them been counted among the foolishest Nations of the World, should not see it also ; and that so many Revolutions of State and of Years, as have pass’d over their Heads, so many afflicting Circumstances, War, Blood, Devastation, and Destruction, have not yet been able to make them wise to their own Peace, and show them even by the contrary the Necessity, as well as the Profit, of a firm Union between them, such as may for ever shut the Door against the fatal Invasions, Depredations, and terrible Eruption of Blood and War, which, with but small Intermissions, have alternately afflicted both Kingdoms.


Nor has it been without some secret Satisfaction that our Neighbours have observ’d this, especially those of them as have either envy’d or apprehended that Addition of Strength such a union would be to these nations, and the formidable Encrease it would be to the Britannick Power. It cannot but have been very pleasing to the French and Spanish Governments, with whom we have been at open Wars, to observe how the National Animosities between the English and Scots, have always kept them embroyl’d, and by spending their Native Fury, terrible to them, upon one another, prevented the Mischiefs, and lessen’d the Powers, of the English especially, which, they had Reason to fear, might have otherwise been too formidable for them to oppose.



Revolution は「革命」というよりも、政体が逆さまになってしまうというような意味合いで、あえて「動乱」と訳してみた。

Britannick は「ブリテン島の」を意味している。つまりイングランド(ウェールズを含む)とスコットランドのことで、アイルランドは対象外。


