An Essay At Removing National Prejudices against a Union with Scotland | 8
[8] How after this, the Scots differ’d with K. Charles the Ist. on his Attempt to impose the English Service-book upon them: How they came to a Pacification without Blood, or with but a little : How afterwards they fully paid the ill Treatment of the Father K. James upon the Son ; whose Ruin, their Army then entring, England compleated, by turning the Scale of the King’s Affairs, and over-ballancing his Forces, at the Great Battle at Marstonmoor, I leave for those Gentlemen to consider, who upon all Occasions are for reckoning the Scots for nothing in their Calculations, and thinking they merit no Regard in the general Account of the Strengths of Europe.
In the Interval of Affairs here, under the Parliament and O. Cromwel, we find a real Union between the Kingdoms, carried on to a kind of Settlement, though something imperfect ; but whoever contriv’d it, such a Settlement it was, as, had the next Government thought fit to have built upon it, might have risen up to all the Parts of a compleat Union ; but this dyed with the Times, and the Constitution of Scotland return’d to its full Exercise under King Charles the IId.
3. At the Revolution under King William, I must own the Scots had the fairest Opportunity of perfecting the thing, that perhaps they will ever again be trusted with.
The English Affairs were then in that Condition, that I cannot but say, the Scots might have almost forc’d it upon us, if they would : There culd have been hardly any Article in the Matters of Trade, or Government, which the Crown of England would not have been in a manner very free to give up, to secure the Scots then in the Interest of the new establish’d Government, which for some time ’twas expected they would waver in ; whether the Scots in the so speedy Concession, and falling in with the English Settlement, did not show more Generosity than Discretion ; and whether they have been gratefully treated for it since, I purposely omit, becase being to the treat of a Union of the Two Kingdoms, with Design to prepare both Sides for it, I would rip up no old Sores, nor [9] bring to Remembrance any thing that should tend to prepossess either Nation against the other.